Negative SEO Prevention & Recovery

Negative SEO Recovery Services

Your Problem:

  • Your website’s organic traffic suddenly drops or disappears, without Google making a major algorithm update.
  • Customer inquiry numbers and phone calls drop drastically, without any clear reason.
  • There’s a slew of negative reviews and public feedback against your company online, from clearly fake reviewers.
  • You suddenly spot a massive increase in the number of links to your website.
  • There’s a huge increase in the number of URLs crawled, showing in Google Search Console.

Our Solution:

ArcLite is one of the few SEO Solutions providers experienced enough to reliably identify and remedy the various effective Negative SEO attack vectors currently in use by black-hats, disgruntled ex-employees, and jealous competitors.

If your website or company-reputation is under attack, not only will we diagnose and implement recovery measures, according to the methods used by the attacker, in many cases we may also be able to identify the culprit, or at least make an educated guess about their identity.

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Negative SEO is about more than just Bad Links or Hacking

Financial Impact Chart of a Negative SEO AttackNot only do Negative SEO attack vectors come in many shapes and sizes, both on and offsite, but most SEO professionals are also not experienced enough to detect or remedy them. Worse still, the Search Engine Optimization sector as a whole has spent the past decade or more judiciously pretending that NSEO is not a widespread problem on the commercial internet.

If you’ve suffered an attack by a jealous competitor, disgruntled ex-employee, or other bad actor, ArcLite SEO Solutions is here to help. We will diagnose exactly what happened and help you to deploy a set of concise measures to recover from the Negative SEO attack vector used against you.

Note: In a significant number of cases what initially looks like NSEO is actually caused by human error or Google algorithm updates, so it pays to accurately diagnose the problems affecting your site before accusing anyone of unethical behavior. Premature and unfounded accusations of this type can and often will lead to litigation by the offended party. You have been warned.

However, the simple fact is that Negative SEO attacks against legitimate online businesses are far more common than anyone in the SEO sector or at Google is willing to admit. Worse still, the vast majority of online business owners are blissfully unaware about the various types of NSEO attacks they are vulnerable to, or that many of these vectors can be prevented by a implementing a solid Online Reputation Management Regime.

To find out more about the many threats being used across the Internet, check out The ArcLite Guide to NSEO, or contact us today if you’ve been attacked already.